Over 3 years of waiting, Nicole Atkins is finally back with her second album Mondo Amore.“This is the record I’ve been wanting to make since I was 12,” says Nicole Atkins. “It has so many layers, it’s able to do whatever it wants without defining itself as one thing.” Her love for classic, layering of instrument and powerful vocal made her first album Neptune City one of my favorite album that year, after changing her band members a few years ago, I'm looking forward to the sound she's gonna bring us this time. The new album will be release on Jan 25,2011. And she will also be playing at Bowery Ballroom on Feb 9.
'Mondo Amore' Track List:
1. 'Vultures'
2. 'Cry Cry Cry'
3. 'Hotel Plaster'
4. 'You Come to Me'
5. 'My Baby Don't Lie'
6. 'This Is for Love'
7. 'You Were the Devil'
8. 'War Is Hell'
9. 'Heavy Boots'
10. 'The Tower'