Indy's back! After 19 years,the forth Indiana Jones movie is finally going to release this week--Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Here are some positive(and some a bit negative) reviews after the screening in Cannes:
LA Times:'' It was either going to be a worse- or better-than-average Indiana Jones film. It turns out it's one of the better ones and everyone involved can breathe a sigh of relief."
The Times:"Spielberg’s most remarkable achievement is to retain most of the old-fashioned virtues of the original franchise....Harrison Ford, amazingly enough, performs most of his utterly barmy stunts; the actor is in damn good shape for a 65-year-old professor. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is, quite simply, exquisite nonsense. Welcome back Indy. Lord knows we’ve missed you."
Time Magazine:"Crystal Skull delivers smart, robust, familiar entertainment....Crystal Skull is intended, and works effectively, as instant nostalgia."
Entertainment Weekly:"There's joy and a middle-aged playfulness to the best of Steven Spielberg's unlikely sequel."
People: "The stunts are still impressive, the jokes funny and the actors all fit comfortably into their roles and appear to be having a jolly enough time. "
Chicago Tribune:"This time, same old, same old. Would that sequel No. 3 were as stylish as that fedora."
I'm excited just hearing the trademark theme!
John Williams-Raiders March