◎ BBC listed the rising music stars of 2009
◎ Ryan Adams in the Black Cab Sessions
◎ There's no surprise knowing that Noel Gallagher was once part of the "Man City firm"
◎ Official video : Paul McCartney - 222
◎ +/- {Plus Minus} - Unsung
◎ Bruce Springsteens - Life Itself
◎ I believe it's a bad idea for Lily Allen to be the new assistant of the new Doctor Who, and I haven't even decided if I like the new Doctor :(
2009年1月9日 星期五
Revolutionary Road
Kate Winslet與Leonardo DiCaprio完美的詮釋April與Frank複雜的關係與心理的痛苦掙扎,兩人在此片拍攝完成後都瘦了一大圈。精彩的對手戲可以深刻感受到他們心靈上的脆弱,尤以Kate Winslet演出一名堅強、有主見卻又迷失人生方向的女子,非常令人動容。Leonardo DiCaprio也將失意上班族的混亂情緒展現無疑,大喜大怒的波動和細膩的表情變化也讓觀者看的心驚膽顫。(兩人也以此片入圍了今年的金球獎最佳男女主角喔!)
有誰想過,「鐵達尼號」過後十一年的今年,Kate Winslet與Leonardo DiCaprio已經是全球影壇上的巨星。兩人不只是票房號召,也是資深好萊塢演員擁有傑出演技的代表。
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