2008年12月15日 星期一

This Week's Tunes

So much has happened lately. Just as my life seems to be heading toward a dead end, amazing things happened. I've always been looking for a silver lining in these last few months of my student life; so many memories has yet to be made, so small portion of my dream has been fulfilled. The challenges I'm facing may not be as grave, still, I felt slightly overwhelmed by the fact that people could trust me enough as to give me such missions. Cheers!

Maia Hirasawa
Though, I'm Just Me
MP3: And I Found This Boy

Cat Power
Dark End Of The Street
MP3: Dark End Of The Street

Northern Portrait
The Fallen Aristocracy
MP3: Crazy

Anya Marina
Slow & Steady Seduction, Phase II
MP3: Move You

5 則留言:

danny 提到...
danny 提到...

i like anya marina & maia hirasawa! how can i get the mp3 or cds?

KuoZi 提到...

Can you reveal something what are so amazing to you ???
Coz I'm so curious.

KuoZi 提到...

ByTheWay,"Move You" by AnyaMorina is so nice!

May Chen 提到...

Hey Dom,I thought I've replied this days ago....Maia Hirasawa's album could be found in many places,博客來 is one of them! As for Anya Marina, the song is from her new album which I'm not sure when the release date would be though.____.

You know,just regular students stuff~ I would be grateful for just getting by a day without any turmoil:)