2008年7月31日 星期四

As you are

下週一(8/4)就是Travis台北演唱會了! 前些日子向友人介紹Travis而寫了一些小感想,還沒決定要不要去,或還沒機會聽到Travis音樂的朋友可以做為參考!


Why Does It Always Rain On Me[from 1999 "The Man Who"]
看歌名就懂,這是衰人的專屬主題曲.我們總是會有想大罵"x的 怎麼那麼衰"的時刻,而那些總是大聲罵的人可能就變成玩重金屬去了(no offense).含蓄的英國人則會轉為哀怨,然後把這首歌放到最大聲,扯著嗓門跟著大喊"Why Does It Always Rain On Me?"我在高中時因為這首歌而喜歡上Travis,
歌詞中"Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?"如同當頭棒喝,17歲的小毛頭都會流下悔恨的眼淚....

Writing To Reach You[from 1999 "The Man Who"]
這是首心碎的情歌,與情人分手後時間就此停滯,整個世界也左右顛倒,沒有秩序可言.這是很私人的歌,倒盡情傷之痛,就像"Killing Me Softly"那樣悲情.這首歌的基本旋律是從OasisWonderwall"借"來的,歌詞中也提到了"Wonderwall",算對Oasis致敬吧!

Flowers In The Window[from 2001 "The Invisible Band"]
BeatlesPaul McCartney式朗朗上口的美麗旋律,好像身在一個虛擬的夢幻國度那樣絢爛.當你找到了你生命中最重要的那個人,每個所到的地方都可以留下如花朵般的印記.這首歌可以讓你頓時感到心情暢快,充滿希望.

Closer[from 2007 "The Boy With No Name"]
這是去年發行的專輯中的第一首單曲,這張專輯製作過程中主唱Fran的孩子出生帶給他很多的靈感,所以這首歌有滿到溢出來的甜蜜,總是可以讓聽者臉上浮現一抹溫暖的微笑.超級catchy的旋律也捕捉了不少新樂迷.在無敵可愛的music video中,身為他們歌迷的Ben Stiller也客串一角喔!

Hope to see some of you at the concert,cheers!

Oasis new album trailer

Trailer of Oasis upcoming album "Dig Out Your Soul"

Can't wait!!!!!

2008年7月30日 星期三

Tell Tale Signs

Bob Dylan :The Bootleg series Vol.8 "Tell Tale Signs" 三片裝,收錄1989~2006年中未發表歌曲與現場版本將在十月發行.現在只要加入官方網站的會員就免費可以下載1997年的未發表歌曲"Dreamin' Of You"! You can see the tracklist here.


2008年7月28日 星期一

This Week's Tunes

The Faint
MP3: The Geeks Were Right

Mercury Rev
Snowflake Midnight
MP3: Snowflake In A Hot World

Forward Russia
Life Processes
MP3: Spring is a Condition

Low vs. Diamond
Low vs. Diamond
MP3: Song We Sang Away

Welcome To The Night Sky
MP3: Weighty Ghost

Parts & Labor
MP3: Nowheres Nigh

Olympics 2008 Monkey Movie

You've all heard that Damon Albarn was doing the Chinese folklore '西遊記(Journey to the West)' opera. Now Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett ,the creator of Gorillaz, specially produced a '西遊記(Journey to the West)' marketing campaign video for the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing.

It's cool, to hear Chinese and techno togother ;D

2008年7月25日 星期五

News & Vidoes grabs

Feist performed on Good Morning America.
◎ Is that Natalie Portman in Devendra Banhart's hilarious video?!
Orphans,video of my favorite track from Beck's new album Modern Guilt.
◎ The shortlist of 2008's Mercury Prize was announced, Alex Turner gets the nomination for his work as The Last Shadow Puppets ,following the two Arctic Monkeys nominations in 2006 and 2007.

2008年7月22日 星期二

This Week's Tunes

The Morning Benders
Talking Through Tin Cans
MP3: Boarded Doors

Adam & the Amethysts
Amethyst Amulet
Stupid Ocean

The Weeks
Comeback Cadillac
MP3: Altar Girl
(love it!)

Your Anchor
MP3: Choir Practice

Young Coyotes
Young Coyotes
MP3: Momentary Drowning
(love it!)

Starling Electric
Clouded Staircase
Black Ghost/Black Girl

Eux Autres
Cold City
MP3: When I'm Up

Conor Oberst
Conor Oberst
MP3: Danny Callahan
(love it!)

Marching Band
Spark Large
MP3: For Your Love


Feist on Sesame Street

2008年7月18日 星期五

She and Him - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?

Radiohead - House of Cards

No cameras or lights were used,see the making of the video.

2008年7月14日 星期一


不同的唱片公司對一個樂團會有多大的影響?聽The Vines就可以體會到其中之差異. 主流唱片公司讓人又愛又恨,它龐大的資金與市場是讓你的樂團聞名全球的最好管道,但這些白花花的鈔票可不是靠樂團在錄音室為每個小節吹毛求疵而來的. 不間斷的巡迴,宣傳,訪問與廣告曝光等等需要樂團出現的活動是唱片公司收入的主要來源.有時候這樣的壓力會使"以創作為目標"而踏入音樂圈的新樂團招架不住(連Coldplay這樣的大團都抱怨過唱片公司所施加的發片壓力). 所以每當The Vines一出現,大家不免就要提到幾年前主唱Craig Nicholls在Letterman的演出上失控還有他被診斷出艾斯柏格症候群(自閉症的一種)這些事.......經過了幾個月的治療和rehab,Craig Nicholls戒掉了大麻也重拾吉他回到The Vines,而其他原始團員也都紛紛離去.
這一切都在他們還屬於Capital Records旗下時發生.在三張專輯之後, The Vines離開Capital Records轉而選擇了獨立唱片公司Ivy League Records. 沒有了唱片公司的壓力,The Vines雖然沒有停下腳步但也漸漸放慢步伐. 新專輯Melodia請到了Highly EvolvedWinning Days專輯的製作人Rob Schnapf,雖然有點緬懷過去的味道,但也是個新的開始. Melodia延續The Vines一貫的風格:平均兩分鐘的曲長還有狂放與柔情兼具的曲目. 有"He's A Rocker"這種簡潔又朗朗上口的爽快飆音,也有"Autumn Shade III"這般迷幻又勾人的奇幻旋律. Melodia沒有太多新奇的嘗試不過依然保有The Vines最讓人喜愛的原素. 在整張專輯最長--達6分鐘--的浪漫小品"True As The Night"再次證明The Vines能夠創作出好歌的能力,Craig Nicholls的聲音恣意的悠遊,聽者不自覺的陷入慵懶放鬆的狀態,如氣球般飄盪,被輕柔的弦樂帶到明亮又舒適的夢想之地.
我喜歡Melodia嗎? 我不確定,我一直以來對The Vines都抱有複雜的情感, 2002年的Highly Evolved帶給我無法取代的聆聽享受,Winning Days其中幾首好歌也不斷在我心中盤旋,Vision Valley卻沒讓我留下太多印象. 我不知道自己是否還在期待有一天Highly EvolvedThe Vines會再次出現,但我始終抱著對Highly Evolved的喜愛,用心的體會The Vines專輯中每個長音和喘息,再度聽起Melodia,讓我回想起這六年的改變.....

The Vines-Autumn Shade III
The Vines-A Girl I Knew


Death Will Never Conquer

As the celebration of the first night of Coldplay's tour,they are (again) giving away new song!The song "Death Will Never Conquer" is simple and short, and they promise people who can attend the concert that you'll hear this song--with a twist. Go to the official website and download it!

2008年7月12日 星期六

This Week's Tunes

Dirty Pretty Things
Romance At Short Notice
MP3: Tired Of England

Bloc Party
MP3: Mercury

The Clientele
God Save The Clientele
MP3: Bookshop Casanova

Garden Ruins
MP3: Cruel

The Graduate
MP3: Doppleganger

MP3: Black Rice

The Mood
MP3: Eskimo Scientist

Psychic Stunts
101 Pick Up Lines
MP3: Speaker's Block

2008年7月11日 星期五

Video grabs

◎ Trailer of Brian Wilson's new song "That Lucky Old Sun"
◎ New video of Beck's "Gamma Ray"
The Verve "Love Is Noise"
◎ Remember the Strokes+Santogold+Pharrell song "My Drive Thru"? There is a video!
Fleet Foxes -"White Winter Hymnal"
◎ Very interesting video of Bloc Party's new song "Mercury"

2008年7月9日 星期三

2008年7月5日 星期六

The Last Shadow Puppets covers Rihanna

Alex and Miles showed up at Jo Whiley's Radio 1 show as surprise birthday guest. They performed a "serious" and dark version of Rihanna's S.O.S! Alex Turner could be the best cover singer ever.

The Last Shadow Puppets-S.O.S (Rihanna Cover)
[ Jo Whiley, BBC Radio 1]

download link:

This Week's Tunes

We are Soldiers We Have Guns
Get up, Get out

Anthem In
Anthem In
MP3: Hold On To Me

Eagle Seagull

Pretty Good Dance Moves
MP3: 60632

Head Like A Kite
There Is Loud Laughter Everywhere
Daydream Vacation

Mass Solo Revolt

Easy Mark
Bed Maker

The Greencoats
Spring EP
MP3: Honey

2008年7月4日 星期五

Cold War Kids - Second Album Teaser

Cold War Kids new album is due out September, here's a teaser of what' it could be like.

2008年7月3日 星期四


The Last Shadow Puppets will be releasing their second single 'Standing Next To Me' on July 7,CD version features two b-sides "Hang the Cyst" and "Gas Dance." You can listen to the snippets of the songs here. The song 'Sequels' (from the 7" b-side)was played by Zane Lowe a few days ago,I'm still loving the spy movie-esque vibe!

The Last Shadow Puppets-Sequels
[BBC Radio 1 Rip]

2008年7月2日 星期三

Monkeys news

Xfm Independents Day documentary錄製了關於Domino Records的documentary,訪問了兩位隸屬Domino Records的樂團成員:Arctic Monkeys的Alex Turner還有The Kills的女主唱Alison Mosshart.訪問中他們說已經合作錄了'The Fire And The Thud' 這首歌('The Fire And The Thud'是Al寫的,去年八月Monkeys在Jonathan Ross 的節目中有演唱acoustic版本)不知道這首歌會不會發行(或是不是真的有錄過?)
Arctic Monkeys也要開始新專輯的錄音了!暑假錄音,秋天有Puppets的歐洲和美國巡迴,看來Al今年和明年的時間表都滿了.

Arctic Monkeys-The Fire & The Thud (Acoustic)
[BBC Sessions: Arctic Monkeys on Jonathan Ross (08.12.2007)]
