- Michael Jackson - ''Billie Jean'' (1983)
- Peter Gabriel - 'Sledgehammer'' (1986)
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Give It Away'' (1991)
- Beastie Boys - ''Sabotage'' (1994)
- Björk - "It's Oh So Quiet'' (1995)
- Herbie Hancock - "Rockit'' (1983)
- Jean-Luc Ponty - "Individual Choice" (1983)
- Talking Heads - "Burning Down the House" (1983)
- Téléphone - "Un Autre Monde" (1984)
- The Cure - "Close to Me" (1985)
- New Order - "Perfect Kiss" (1985)
- Beastie Boys - "Fight for Your Right to Party" (1986)
- Run DMC (Feat. Aerosmith) - "'Walk this Way" (1986)
- Paul Simon - "You Can Call Me Al" (1986)
- Michael Jackson - "Leave Me Alone" (1987)
- Madonna - "Like a Prayer" (1989)
- Tone Loc - "Wild Thing" (1989)
- Young MC - "Bust a Move" (1989)
- Massive Attack - "Unfinished Sympathy" (1991)
- Lenny Kravitz - "Are You Gonna Go My Way?" (1993)
- Jamiroquai - "Virtual Insanity" (1996)
- The Pharcyde - "Drop" (1996)
- Aphex Twin - "Come to Daddy" (1997)
- Devendra Banhart, ''A Ribbon'' (2004)
- R. Kelly, ''Trapped in the Closet'' (2005)
2008年6月29日 星期日
Michel Gondry's 25 favorite music vids
Michel Gondry reveal his 25 favorite music videos(besides his own brilliants works) to Entertainment Weekly.
Amy Winehouse @Glastonbury
She's driving the crowd crazy!And she's hilarious.
Amy punched a fan during "Rehab",some very hard punches!!!
You're Wondering Now
Band introduction/You Know I'm No Good
Me & Mr Jones/Rehab
Amy's still a really good performer(despite the condition of her health and all those paparazzi things).
Amy punched a fan during "Rehab",some very hard punches!!!
You're Wondering Now
Band introduction/You Know I'm No Good
Me & Mr Jones/Rehab
Amy's still a really good performer(despite the condition of her health and all those paparazzi things).
2008年6月28日 星期六
This Week's Tunes

Hope Like Fire(Planets)

The Dig
Good Luck & Games EP
MP3: Lovesick Woman
MP3: Droga Paliativa
Jon Sonnenberg
Acoustic Selections
The Anniversary
Another Year on the Streets
MP3: I Believe That the End of the Reign of Terror is Soon Near
Wicked Man's Rest
MP3: Do What You Like
Hymn And Her
MP3: Song For

What Laura Says
Thinks & Feels
MP3: July 23
Art College
Sponsor (It Didn't Mean A Thing)
Andy Yorke
MP3: Rise and Fall
2008年6月27日 星期五
Modern Guilt
From the songs I've heard so far,I like it.
Modern Guilt Promo Video
Beck-Gamma Ray
2008年6月26日 星期四
2008年6月24日 星期二
Oasis to release seventh studio album!

Oasis officially announced that they will release their seventh studio album ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ October 6th. Before that, the single ‘The Shock Of The Lightning’ will be out September 29th.Here's the official announcement:
Oasis are set to return later this year with a new single and their seventh studio album. The single,‘The Shock Of The Lightning’ is released on September 29th and the album, ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ follows in October; it is the first new Oasis music since last year’s ‘Lord Don’t Slow Me Down’, taken from the on the road film of the same name. ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ sees Dave Sardy return to the producer’s chair following his work on their 2005 album, ‘Don’t Believe The Truth’. Recorded at Abbey Road and mixed in Los Angeles, all four members once again contribute tracks, but the recording marks a new approach for the band as described by the band’s principle songwriter, Noel:
“I wanted to write music that had a groove; not songs that followed that traditional pattern of verse, chorus and middle eight. I wanted a sound that was more hypnotic; more driving. Songs that would draw you in, in a different way. Songs that you would maybe have to connect to - to feel.”
The lead single is still unmistakably Oasis, a Noel penned song with Liam’s immediately familiar voice to the fore underlining their distinctive brand of finger in the socket rock ’n’ roll.
‘The Shock Of The Lightning’ may well represent the most recognisable Oasis song on the album but, again, the new approach on ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ was present on this lead track as Noel explains:
“If ‘The Shock Of The Lightning’ sounds instant and compelling to you, it’s because it was written dead fast. And recorded dead fast. ‘The Shock of The Lightning’ basically is the demo. And it has retained its energy. And there’s a lot to be said for that, I think. The first time you record something is always the best.”
‘Dig Out Your Soul’ will be the first album released on the band’s own Big Brother label worldwide.
Black Kids
為什麼大家都為Black Kids瘋狂? 德州Jacksonville的樂團Black Kids去年七月一場演出讓各大音樂雜誌與媒體開始猛烈報導, 他們的EP Wizard Of Ahhhs 也變成熱門搶手貨.在NME等大西洋彼岸媒體的關注下,今年四月在英國發行的單曲"I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You"竟然一舉登上英國單曲榜的11名,七月要發行的新專輯Partie Traumatic當然也備受期待! Black Kids有著能讓人搖擺起舞的節奏還有pop song必備的熱血吶喊,戲謔的歌詞也有一絲Of Montreal般的可愛氣息. Black Kids的歌絕對可以帶給你一個返老還童的夏天!
Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend
Black Kids-I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
Black Kids-Hurricane Jane
2008年6月22日 星期日
Heat Wave, Beach Day
我討厭夏天,討厭豔陽,討厭熱氣,討厭人潮,但我喜歡海. 我喜歡海,也沒喜歡到想去海灘曬太陽,請容我撐著陽傘向大家介紹--"Summer Beach Mix," a tribute to all of you who are suffering from the bloody heat wave!
The Teenagers-Sunset Beach
The Kinks-People Take Pictures of Each Other
Flowers Flowers-Beach Bum
Sigur Rós-Hafssól
Tizzy Bac-The Falling Summer
Thao Nguyen & the Get Down Stay Down-Swimming Pools
The Lodger-A Year Since Last Summer
Adam Green-Broadcast Beach
2008年6月20日 星期五
News grabs
◎ According to Rolling Stone, Kings of Leon just wrapped their fourth album.
◎ Sigur Rós announced North America tour dates.
◎ Conan O'Brien was a KCRW DJ!
◎ Download the Lollapalooza 2008 timetable.
2008年6月16日 星期一
A Brooklyn band called Creaky Boards claimed that Coldplay's stole their song and turn it into Viva la Vida. You can have a listen and see what they've got to say:
Honestly,I can't hear much similarity in them.
But nice 'tache though,dude in the video!
Chris Martin's mate Kanye West was in bigger trouble!
Kanye was booed when he's 2 hours late:
The Grammy winner walked onto the festival stage nearly two hours past his scheduled 2:45 a.m. performance time Sunday morning and was greated by bleary-eyed fans' chorus of boos and chants of "Kanye sucks."
Can anyone control Kanye's huge ego? Nah.
Honestly,I can't hear much similarity in them.
But nice 'tache though,dude in the video!
Chris Martin's mate Kanye West was in bigger trouble!
Kanye was booed when he's 2 hours late:
The Grammy winner walked onto the festival stage nearly two hours past his scheduled 2:45 a.m. performance time Sunday morning and was greated by bleary-eyed fans' chorus of boos and chants of "Kanye sucks."
Can anyone control Kanye's huge ego? Nah.
2008年6月15日 星期日
The Last Shadow Puppets - Standing Next to Me
They look ridiculously sharp and sexy!
Loving Alex Turner's suit!
2008年6月13日 星期五
No reviews!
Good music overload! Some huge names in album release recently....indicates the coming of summer and of course,music festivals! First thing first,the reviews. Ahhh,it's really hard that a music novice like me is to review albums from those huge names in music. Who am I to judge anyway? So I'm taking the easy way out--no reviews,pure admirations. No, I'm not being lazy; I love those albums and musicians dearly. The beauty of them are beyond words(I shit you not!), and all I can say is that you definitely need to own these albums.
Broken Social Scene Presents: Brendan Canning
Something For All Of Us...
MP3: Love Is New
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
MP3: Strawberry Swing
Sigur Rós
Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
MP3: Við spilum endalaust
Al Green
Lay It Down
MP3: Stay With Me (By The Sea) (Ft. John Legend)
Something For All Of Us...
MP3: Love Is New
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
MP3: Strawberry Swing
Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
MP3: Við spilum endalaust
Lay It Down
MP3: Stay With Me (By The Sea) (Ft. John Legend)
2008年6月9日 星期一

You might have already seen those giant billboard on the street and the huge campaign of Converse's celebration (of whatever year it is!?). Many artists from different fields joined the campaign and some musicians launched unlikely collaboration--Like this one:The Strokes+Santogold+Pharrell. The song My Drive Thru is actually not much of a commercial song, but it's always nice to finally hear Julian Casablancas's voice again!
N.E.R.D.-My Drive Thru ft. Santogold & Julian Casablancas
On my playlist
Songs on my iTunes playlist this week. Little bit of nostalgia ,I suppose.
Bo Diddley[The Essential]
mp3: Bo Diddley-I Can Tell
MP3: Nirvana-Lithium
Electric Light Orchestra[Out of the Blue]
MP3: Electric Light Orchestra-Mr. Blue Sky
Joy Division[Control Soundtrack]
MP3: Joy Division-Atmosphere
Albert Hammond, Jr. [¿Cómo Te Llama?]
MP3: Albert Hammond, Jr.-GfC
The Fratellis[Here We Stand]
Mp3: The Fratellis-Mistress Mabel
The Beatles[Help!]
MP3: The Beatles-I've Just Seen A Face
Radiohead[My Iron Lung]
MP3: Radiohead-Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
Travis[The Invisible Band]
MP3: Travis-Flowers In The Windows
mp3: Bo Diddley-I Can Tell
MP3: Nirvana-Lithium
MP3: Electric Light Orchestra-Mr. Blue Sky
MP3: Joy Division-Atmosphere
MP3: Albert Hammond, Jr.-GfC
Mp3: The Fratellis-Mistress Mabel
MP3: The Beatles-I've Just Seen A Face
MP3: Radiohead-Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
MP3: Travis-Flowers In The Windows
2008年6月7日 星期六
Jonathan Meiburg聲音優美是無庸置疑的,但我沒想到Shearwater的新專輯Rook會是這麼驚為天人. 恬靜與壓抑的旋律編織出Rook--象徵死亡的鳥類--的黑暗氣氛. 當你正覺得情緒隨加重的樂音高漲時,下一秒就會突然收歛:許多的anti-climax. 古典氣息緩緩流動過晦暗的空間,Rook可以將你帶往與夏日豔陽截然不同冷酷世界.
Shearwater-Leviathan, Bound
[official site]
在台灣的英搖愛好者們得知消息後想必都開始引頸期盼,Travis的亞洲巡迴將於八月四號來到新莊體育場.詳細售票資訊在此. 廣告詞有點莫名其妙("本次活動人數如突破8,000人,本公司承諾將於2009年12月前邀請COLDPLAY來台"),但不管如何這場演唱會絕對不能錯過!
Travis-Writing To Reach You
Coldplay Live @ Jimmy Kimmel
Viva La Vida
Violet Hill
As you all know--the album leaked!
I'll be posting some thoughts later when I finish digesting this beautiful album.
Violet Hill
As you all know--the album leaked!
I'll be posting some thoughts later when I finish digesting this beautiful album.
2008年6月4日 星期三
Paul McCartney back in Liverpool

Paul McCartney was back in Liverpool and ,for his first time in 40 years, performed "A Day In The Life." 興奮與感動使我的眼淚不自覺的飆了出來,"I read the news today, oh boy...",沒有John與George的世界比四十年前更absurd,我更無法想像沒有了Macca的世界會變得如何. 總有一天,我要親眼看著Macca,和他一起唱著每一首歌.
Paul McCartney Live at Anfield-A Day In The Life/Give Peace A Chance
Paul McCartney Live at Anfield-Blackbird

Here to you,dear Macca!
2008年6月1日 星期日
This Week's Tunes
The Do
A Mouthful
Stay (Just A Little Bit More)
My Bones
MP3: Hashish
Ron Sexsmith
Exit Strategy For The Soul
MP3: This Is How I Know
I Love Math
Getting To The Point Is Beside It
MP3: Josephine St.
Thomas Function
MP3: Can't Say No
Julie Ocean
MP3: #1 Song
The Manhattan Love Suicides
MP3: Suzy Jones
Devendra Banhart
Nino Rojo
MP3: Little Yellow Spider
Blind Terry
When Prefab Sprout Wrecked My Mind
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