2007年10月29日 星期一

St. Vincent - Jesus Saves, I Spend

St. Vincent - Jesus Saves, I Spend

The Vines-4EVer (The Veronicas Cover)

The Vines為了一張澳洲的合輯No Man's Woman錄製的翻唱,這張合輯裡都是男性樂團或樂手翻唱女性樂團的歌曲!
The Vines-4EVer (The Veronicas Cover)

James McAvoy as Kurt Cobain??

最近好萊塢有個甚囂塵上的消息,一部Kurt Cobain的傳記電影將要開拍,而飾演Kurt的人則是近來在好萊塢炙手可熱的蘇格蘭演員James McAvoy.
James McAvoy 在去年獲獎無數的The Last King of Scotland中大放異彩,接著又演出Starter for 10 裡很nerdy的英國青少年,而再來的Becoming Jane中所演的Jane Austen情人的角色是讓他真正在好萊塢受到注目(台灣好像有要上映!?).James McAvoy 演技之純熟讓我更加期待Atonement,這部由Ian McEwan同名小穿改編的電影(當然Keira Knightley也是吸引我的原因之一).
回到Kurt Cobain的電影來說,如果真由James McAvoy來演出我認為有點太過理想了.論外表或演技的話,James是絕對有辦法勝任這個角色,但我還是比較傾向可以找個新演員或是觀眾比較不熟的面孔吧!


2007年10月27日 星期六

Nicole Atkins

Neptune City,一個過去曾經繁華的New Jersey城市.在Neptune City長大的Nicole Atkins從小就開始收集這個城市中所有的故事,不管是她身邊的人或是活在那個她所嚮往的過去的人們所經過的狀況與生活.
13歲那一年,Nicole Atkins拿起了已經過世的叔叔所留下的吉他,自己摸索學會了一首Grateful Dead的歌.她的父親也帶她認識了一些玩音樂的朋友,她也在到North Carolina唸藝術時加入了另類鄉村樂團Los Parasols.直到她在紐約的anti-folk圈找到了自己的音樂,Nicole開始了自己早已累積多年的創作.
Nicole Atkins時而迷幻,又帶一點鄉村而且又很懷舊的音樂就像是從一集Six Feet Under裡所選出來的,在製作人Tore Johansson(Franz Ferdinand, OK Go, Saint Etienne, New Order)的協助下,Neptune City聽來完全不像是現在的New Jersey的聲音,而是過去那個輝煌歷史的原聲帶.
Nicole Atkins的歌經常都是講述了某個美麗的悲劇,這位神秘的說故事者用她溫暖又力道十足的深厚嗓音將我們拉回到過去的時空;聽著故事中主角的情緒,自己的心情也無法自拔的隨之波動.

Nicole Atkins-Maybe Tonight
Nicole Atkins-The Way It Is

Nicole Atkins
[official website]

2007年10月26日 星期五


How often do you find the right person?

Markéta Irglová and Glen Hansa-If You Want Me
Markéta Irglová-The Hill

2007年10月22日 星期一

Psapp - Tricycle

to my friends,and everyone who's reading my blog:)

MP3: Psapp-Tricycle

2007年10月20日 星期六

a CHILD but in life yet a DOCTOR in love

a CHILD but in life yet a DOCTOR in love是舊金山樂團Magic Bullets的第一張專輯,他們在與The Walkmen, Voxtrot, French Kicks, No Age, Perry Ferrell, Cold War Kids, Bonde Do Role, Patrick Wolf, Elf Power, Foreign Born等等樂團一起巡迴時結合了許多不同的曲風而產生了這張專輯(post-punk,new wave...).主唱Philip Benson與吉他手Corey Cunningham在2000年結識後加入了The Cosmos.在2004年他們又找了幾個志同道合的朋友一起玩他們喜歡的音樂,Magic Bullets就此誕生.
我初次聽到Magic Bullets的'Yesterday's Seen Better Days',我有種聽到了The Strokes + Kings of Leon的錯覺,但Philip Benson的vocal卻是比Julian Casablancas清醒,比Caleb Followill含蓄了些; The San Francisco Chronicle將Magic Bullets的音樂比喻為'把舊金山現代indie-pop的智慧與沉著融合進80年代直接又情緒化的post-punk中".a CHILD but in life yet a DOCTOR in love這張今年五月發行的專輯就是最好的解釋.

Magic Bullets-Yesterday's Seen Better Days
Magic Bullets-Heatstroke

2007年10月19日 星期五

2007 Fall Mixtape

今年對我來說意義非凡(it's not like i'm always saying this!).明年的現在會如何?God Only knows.

Here's my 2007 Fall Mixtape,hope you enjoy it!

1. Bob Dylan-All Along The Watchtower
2. Hot Hot Heat-Waiting For Nothing
3. Feist-1234
4. Babyshambles-Unbilo Titled
5. Muse-Endlessly
6. The Decemberist-Shiny
7. Rufus Wainwright-Vibrate
8. Keren Ann-Seventeen
9. Radiohead-My Iron Lung
10. The Beatles-Blackbird
11. Beirut-Nante
12. Kate Nash-Birds


2007年10月18日 星期四

Bloc Party@Conan O'Brien

Bloc Party-Flux
live @ Conan O'Brien 2007.10.04

Everybody's Got A Collection

1900s' (not 1990s) new album Cold & Kind is quite good.Many songs are catchy and beautiful(like 'The Medium Way' and 'When I Say Go').A very decent album!

MP3: The 1900s-Everybody's Got A Collection

2007年10月14日 星期日

Little Motel

Modest Mouse's new video 'Little Motel' from the great album We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank

download link: Modest Mouse-Little Motel
(from prettymuchamazing.com)


收到了這麼一封White Stripes的newsletter:
To: White Stripes Fans
Subject: ?
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:08:25 -0700
From: "The White Stripes newsletter team"

"The tricks of today are the truths of tomorrow." - Man Ray



2007年10月11日 星期四

Sigur Rós - Heima

Sigur Rós live DVD/companion album 'Heima'
out in November!

2007年10月10日 星期三

What everyone's talking about....

What everyone's talking about....Radiohead's new album--
In Rainbows.
Radiohead的音樂從來就不是那麼容易讓人一見鐘情的,但光是第一次的初聽你就可以略見其中的精彩與美麗.在聽了好幾遍專輯還有好幾百人的review之後,here's my thoughts for the first few listen:

'15 Step'的beat讓我想到Kid A裡頭的'Idioteque',也是目前專輯中我最喜歡的一首.
'Bodysnatchers'模糊的吉他爆音還有乎遠乎近的vocal,Thom幾近哭喊的尖銳唱腔,讓Bodysnatchers在15 Step給的溫存之後成為了一首侵略性十足的歌曲.
'Nude'這首歌,更讓我感謝上帝創造了Thom的聲音,能聽到他的歌聲是我這輩子無法再擁有的奢侈;'Nude'有穩定的base,加上強勢的弦樂還有Johnny式的吉他風格,我被帶到了Radiohead的現在 /過去/還有未來.
'Weird Fishes/Arpeggi',不同於之前的demo還有live版本的Arpeggi,專輯版用了很簡單但也有點複雜的編曲.光看歌詞字面上的含意 這首歌好像是情歌,但卻不住讓我想到Thom對於社會還有政府的不滿.
'All I Need'它好像是甜蜜卻又黏膩的愛情,“I’m just an insect/ trying to get out of the light.”每一個鋼琴的音符都像打擊在我的心上,曲末Thom的哀鳴在聽下一首歌時都還在我的腦海中迴盪不去...
'Faust Arp'木吉他加上乾淨的弦樂,'Faust Arp'並不是大家所想的是首instrumental,不過它卻可以造成同樣的作用,把我的心思放在了接下來Thom所要說的故事.
'Reckoner'承接了'Faust Arp'帶的氛圍,也許'Faust Arp'的美讓我對'Reckoner'有些過度的期待,but it turns out to be just a good work,not too much surprises.
'House Of Cards'是另一首專輯中特別突出的作品,Thom的vocal像那種陰天時會出現在淡水的薄霧,看似無害卻靜靜的切割著人們的身體.
'Jigsaw Falling Into Place' might be the most 'radio-friendly' song,"The beat goes round and round." so do the sound of this song.
In Rainbows就這樣結束了.這是我心目中最完美的Radiohead,我已經不能期待的更多.

MP3: Radiohead-15 Step
MP3: Radiohead-House of Cards
(from:kids pushing kids)


2007年10月8日 星期一

Poupee de Cire Poupee de Son

Arcade Fire/LCD Soundsystem的合作單曲,收了2007 U.S. tour的新曲還有很棒的Joy Divison翻唱!classic!

MP3: Arcade Fire-Poupee de Cire Poupee de Son
MP3: LCD Soundsystem-No Love Lost

from:Modern Music

2007年10月5日 星期五

Hell No

挪威歌手Sondre Lerche在電影Dan In Real Life的原聲帶中一首與Regina Spektor合唱的Hell No,在他之前嘗試過jazz與rock等多元曲風後回到了他很適合的folk pop,他們的合作聽來很協調,也讓我對Sondre Lerche更多些好感了!

MP3: Sondre Lerche & Regina Spektor-Hell No

Nothing's gonna change my world.

Frida的導演Julie Taymor的原著故事所改編的音樂電影Across The Universe,早在知道有這部片的拍攝計畫時許多人就已經很興奮了,光是音樂演出的陣容就讓我覺得"非看不可"!

除了幾位主角之外,Across The Universe也有幾位明星與歌手的客串;Bono飾演充滿迷幻感的Dr. Robert,Eddie Izzard則是馬戲團中的Mr. Kite,Slama Hayke與Joe Cocker都一人分飾多角演出.

當然除了劇情之外最重要的就是音樂了,此片每一首所使用的Beatles歌曲除了劇中演員Evan Rachel Wood 與Jim Sturgess等人的翻唱之外,Bono與Joe Cocker也特別為了他們客串的角色翻唱了I Am The Walrus還有Come Together等歌曲.

The 16-track single-disc soundtrack album:

  1. "All My Loving" Performed by Jim Sturgess
  2. "I Want to Hold Your Hand" Performed by T. V. Carpio
  3. "It Won't Be Long" Performed by Evan Rachel Wood
  4. "I've Just Seen a Face" Performed by Jim Sturgess
  5. "Let It Be" Performed by Carol Woods and Timothy T. Mitchum
  6. "Come Together" Performed by Joe Cocker
  7. "I Am the Walrus" Performed by Bono and Secret Machines
  8. "Something" Performed by Jim Sturgess
  9. "Oh! Darling" Performed by Dana Fuchs and Martin Luther McCoy
  10. "Strawberry Fields Forever" Performed by Jim Sturgess and Joe Anderson
  11. "Across the Universe" Performed by Jim Sturgess
  12. "Helter Skelter" Performed by Dana Fuchs
  13. "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" Performed by Joe Anderson
  14. "Blackbird" Performed by Evan Rachel Wood
  15. "Hey Jude" Performed by Joe Anderson
  16. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" Performed by Bono (Background Vocals by The Edge)


(from the soundtrack)
MP3: Bono-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
MP3: Bono-I Am The Walrus
MP3: Joe Cocker-Come Together
MP3: Evan Rachel Wood-Blackbird
MP3: Jim Sturgess-Across The Universe

(from original Beatles albums)
MP3: The Beatles-Across The Universe
MP3: The Beatles-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
MP3: The Beatles-Balckbird/Yesterday


2007年10月1日 星期一

Regina Spektor - Better

one of my favorite female singer of all time!Regina Spektor's new single 'Better' is my favorite song in the album Begin To Hope.

Regina Spektor - Better

Iran So Far

Saturday Night Live團隊中的新一代偶像(or not)Andy Samberg,繼去年和Justin Timberlake合作而大紅的搞笑短片"Dick In a Box"之後,上周他則是用了伊朗總統Mahmoud Ahmadinejad到紐約這件事推出了新的短片.
這部短片抓住了Ahmadinejad說"伊朗沒有同性戀"的說法.Andy Samberg則飾演一位看電視後就愛上Ahmadinejad的人;短片除了找個與Ahmadinejad相似的演員外,還有大明星 Jake Gyllenhaal 的客串與Maroon 5主唱Adam Levine的合唱!

"伊朗沒有同性戀,不過你現在在紐約阿,寶貝;stop hating and start living!"

Iran So Far

They say true love comes only once in a lifetime
And even though we’re from opposite ends of the earth
My heart tells me you’re the one for me

Mahmoud, I remember when it started, saw you on the news
You hating gays, I was eating food
I was feeling you, and even though I disagree with almost everything you said
You ain’t wrong to me, so strong to me, you belong to me
Like a very hairy Jake Gyllenhaal to me
Mahmoud, make my heart beating out of my chest
my mind says no but my body says yes
You ain’t no threat, the only threat I see, is the threat of you not coming h\
ome to me
Our love for each other is like when atoms collide
Can’t express how I feel, and yo Adam let’s ride

And Iran, Iran so far away is your home, but in my heart you’ll stay

He ran, for the president of Iran
We ran together to a tropical island
My man, Mahmoud is known for violence
Smiling, if he can still do it then I can
They call you weasel, they say your methods are medieval
You can play the Jews, I can be your Jim Caviezel

S&M, when we’re wrestlin’
You can be the port that I put my vessel in
So I try to but you can still see me
With your sleepy brown eyes, butter pecan thighs
And your hairy butt… Yeah.

And Iran, Iran so far away
Come home, and in my arms you’ll stay
Used to look at the stars and dream
Around the world the same stars we’re seeing
And a twinkle in your eyes Mahmoud

Talk smooth to me, in the night sky
With you pants high waisted, damn so fly
We can take a trip to the animal zoo
And laugh at all the funny things that animals do
Like Eugene, you got me straight trippin’ boo
Hope you look at my eyes and say I’m trippin’ too
You say (?) but they already do
You should know by now, it’s you

You crazy for this world Mahmoud
So give us another Holocaust all you want
But you can’t deny that there’s something between us
I know you say there’s no gays in Iran
But you’re in New York now baby
So time to stop hating and start living